Hi, my name is Catherine Kato.

I have been in the health and wellness industry for over 20 years, including working as a registered doctor of Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture & Moxibustion) since 2002 and at Eltham Acupuncture since 2012.  More recently I have also been offering Energy Clearing or Intuitive Coaching sessions, either in combination with the acupuncture or as stand-alone sessions.  I have helped thousands of people just like you, and am now considered a leader in my field.

Often people come to me with an ache or pain or other physical complaint, but what they then discover is that I can also help them with so much more!  In addition to the majority of physical symptoms being relieved or resolved or at the minimum reduced, most people also feel more relaxed and peaceful, become more aware of their true selves, and as a result are able to lead happier lives, especially if they book in for combination sessions of Acupuncture plus Energy Clearing.  

So if you suffer from back or other pains, headaches/migraines, sleep problems or women’s health issues including trying to get pregnant or needing help during pregnancy – or if you feel stressed, stuck in any aspect of your life, or keep creating the same old stories and patterns, please schedule an appointment with me today.  

I use a blend of the very gentle Japanese Acupuncture techniques with 5 Elements Acupuncture, which focuses on the emotional side of Chinese Medicine.  In an Energy Clearing session (or a combination one), we tune into the unwanted or negative energy pattern or old belief system behind a particular issue and energetically clear it, and then replace it with a positive antidote.   My approach is very holistic, as I aim to help the root of the problem, not just the symptoms.

I work from home, nestled in the beautiful Woodridge area of Eltham, and service people from all over Melbourne, but particularly from Eltham and its surrounding suburbs such as Montmorency, Diamond Creek, Greensborough, Doreen, Templestowe, etc.

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Catherine Kato
Eltham Acupuncture
51 Wycliffe Crescent
Mobile: 0413 325 747