Recording of Metal Element Session (Part 2)
Recording of Part 2 of Energy Clearing Through the 5 Elements on Metal & Bonus audio recording of the Meditation/Energy Clearing Section from Sunday 2 May 2021
Do you feel as if you’re not good enough as you battle with self-worth & self-esteem issues? Do you procrastinate through life due to crippling perfectionism? Do you feel alone and like you’re missing something else to life? Do you feel an overriding sense of grief and loss?
In Part 2 of Energy Clearing Through the 5 Elements on Metal, we explored our connection to Source/the Universe/God, which helps to bring us a sense of connection to ourselves and something greater than ourselves. We also looked at how we can be critical and judgmental of others, but even more so of ourselves if our Metal Element is out of balance, which ties in with the themes of low self-worth and low self-esteem, and how we can procrastinate often due to debilitating perfectionism. We also talked about how the emotion of loss and grief can affect us. We did a beautiful Energy Clearing meditation to help clear some of those aspects of ourselves, and clear any unwanted ties to old religions or belief systems that no longer serve us, and then connected ourselves to our own Higher Selves.
This is a recording of the session from Sunday 2 May 2021 – you will receive the video recording of the whole session (approx 1.5hr); plus a bonus audio recording just of the Energy Clearing meditation section (approx 40mins).
Participants reported some big shifts in their connection to the Universe and their Higher Selves, as they shifted through some layers of grief and loss and brought more beauty and confidence into their lives.